Hiya! Sam here, the chaos behind “the” brand, and perhaps you recognize me as tinybbysquirrel, streaming live across YouTube and Twitch. Or maybe we haven't crossed paths until now — either way, a huge welcome and thank you for joining me on this adventure!

What's in a Name? I can’t tell you the total days and hours spent trying to come up with a “creative” name that summed up what I do. The truth is, I’m still figuring all of that out. I catch myself still doing more, creating more, adding more to my plate. Because I’m me. I’m Sam.

My roots are deeply entwined with the memories of my grandparents' home, where a majestic maple tree stood sentinel in the front yard. That tree was the backdrop to my childhood — a witness to games of tag, treasure hunts in the dirt for worms, and countless milestone photographs. I loved that maple tree. Yet, it was at my grandparent’s dining room table where the magic truly happened. There, I navigated my first paint-by-number, pieced together my science fair presentations (do kids still do those?), and explored the wonders of watercolor painting with my grandma. Those moments were the seeds from which my passion for art and creativity sprouted.

I am also the collective memories of feeding some random squirrel at my father’s house when I was younger, and ‘Alex’ grew so comfortable with me, he one day sprinted into the house and sent both my stepmother and I in immediate panic (no squirrel was harmed in the process of clearing the house).

My mother is the epitome of empathy and all things sarcasm (I get all of that from her, thanks mom lol), and from that I found a voice able to feel and speak passionately, while understanding that it’s okay to be the quietest one in the room and still make an impact.

I’m a lover of all things coffee related, video games, and working out (powerlifting to be specific). I think you might get it. I’m a single entity pieced together by all of my experiences, trials and hardships, celebrations, and being able to spread joy & laughter.

What's Brewing? The journey doesn't stop here; the canvas is ever-expanding. New products and art pieces are always in the works, inspired by the latest whims, musings, and bursts of creativity that strike. To ensure you don't miss a beat (or brushstroke), follow me on my social media channels. Your support and engagement fuel this endeavor, allowing me to dream bigger and reach higher. Together, let's continue to grow, evolve, and sprinkle a little more mirth in our lives.

For art commissions or questions, please contact me via Instagram or email: